Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hey Everyone,
Let me say welcome and I'm really stoked for this project. I hope to have an image to share sometime in the next month, but am waiting for my partner to return from Africa.
I hope to be able to finalize the list of participants in the next couple of weeks. This promises to be an innovative and exciting project.
Southern participants, please don't hesitate to contact me, or if you are looking for a space to work, just let me know, and I'll let you share the printmaking space at CSN.

Special thanks to Candace Nicole for setting up this blog and putting together the documents that have been flying. What do you folks think about having a couple weekends to get together and print at the CSN printshop? I am also considering a week at Goldwell's facility if it can be worked out. Let me know your thoughts.



Erik S. Beehn said...

I am excited also, just now begining to get involved, but excited none the less. I will take you up on the offer of CSN Facilities, a weekend to get together and print sounds like a lot of fun.

Vicki said...

Your partner is back from Africa and looking for inspiration. Are you going to be in Reno any time soon, or should we start an e-mail conversation about the plates?

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